Jack Herer Feminized



Jack Herer® Feminized is a potent hybrid that offers a combination of uplifting and relaxing effects including feelings of euphoria, creativity, and heightened focus. In terms of flavor, she has a distinct pine taste, with hints of herbal spiciness and woodiness. Indoor growing is recommended.

SKU: SNS01JAHE00123 Categories: ,

Strain Description

Jack Herer® Feminized is a hybrid strain that offers a balance between sativa and indica effects. It has a THC-rich profile and is primarily cultivated indoors. The strain exhibits various phenotypes, each with its own growth characteristics. While most phenotypes display sativa-like growth patterns with resin production and abundant flowering like indicas, there is a rarer phenotype with a more compact and less spreading structure, indicating an indica dominance. One notable feature of Jack Herer® Feminized is the size of its buds, which are among the largest in the cannabis world. Sativa phenotypes of this strain develop resin-covered calyxes, giving the plants a wild appearance. The buds are known for their diamond-dusted look due to a thick layer of THC-rich trichomes. This feature makes them highly desirable among sellers and smokers. Under a microscope, the buds reveal that they are composed mostly of resin glands rather than plant tissue. The flowering time for Jack Herer® Feminized ranges from approximately 10 to 12 weeks, with indica-dominant plants potentially ready for harvest as early as 8 weeks. Its important to note that this strain is specifically bred for indoor cultivation. While it may be possible to grow it outdoors, it requires a warm climate with ample sunlight for successful cultivation. She consistently delivers a high-energy cerebral high accompanied by a body buzz. It provides a potent psychoactive experience, so it may not be suitable for those seeking strains with high CBD content and minimal psychoactive effects. In terms of aroma, when grown indoors, she emits only a subtle scent, making it an ideal choice for discreet growers. However, once dried, the buds develop a delightful aromatic profile. Most buds possess a complex, sharp, and savory hashish aroma, which can be blended with Afghan tones and fruity skunk flavors depending on the phenotype. Overall, Jack Herer® Feminized is a popular strain known for its vigorous growth, resinous buds, potent effects, and aromatic bouquet, making it a favorite among both sellers and consumers.

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Strain Performance

Seed Qty

3 Seeds, 5 Seeds


Sativa %

Ruderalis %


Indoor Yield

Outdoor Yield

Time To Flower


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Skill Level








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